My spider room also happens to by my guest room, and more than once I have lied to house guests about having never had any escapees. There is no point in frightening people when all of my spiders are basically harmless anyway, right? Jenn, I hope you aren't reading this right now, but if you are please forgive me, nothing bad happened, right??
But yesterday's escape of my huntsman spider (Sparassidae spp.), Ginger, was particularly unique, and a little problematic. The top of Ginger's container is attached with Velcro. Usually the noise of prying off the lid is enough to send her running for cover, but yesterday for some reason, as I was flipping the lid off, she flipped herself over and somehow launched herself at the lid, then ran off of it and down the container, across the desk and up into the bucket that I keep my crickets in before I could blink. Huntsmen are stupid fast. I guess she really was hungry, because she immediately caught and started consuming a cricket. Problem was she was now in container with very rounded sides, and every time I tried to corner her with a deli container she simply ran out the gaps on the top of it, and headed for the opening, where (panicking only slightly) I scooted her back down with an energy bill. It took awhile to catch her, and in the meantime, I estimated she caught about 5 crickets and was slowly digesting them into a gooey disgusting ball.
Not my usual feeding protocol, at least it didn't used to be. |
My huntsman containers, Costco food containers with the top cut out and plexiglass velcroed on. |
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